Monday, April 19, 2010

Brain tumor update

Just letting everyone know that I got another good report from my most recent MRI. Dr. Dang says it is still there, but no evidence that it is growing, I will consider this a good report, and thank God and my good doctors and for what they have done. I continue to believe God for my healing, but also recognize more than ever that I am in His care; that He has a purpose for what is going on in my life, and I trust Him completely with the outcome. There is no more comforting place to be than that.

We have had a series of events at our church that has brought this more forcefully to my mind, one of which is the loss of a wonderful friend to cancer, whom I wrote about in my last blog. Ps. 128:7 says, "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me." Laura Lanier writes in her book, All things bright and beautiful, using grapevines to portray our lives in Christ. "The older gnarled vines were beautiful to sketch because of their knotty twists and bends. Over the course of time, the winds, rains, and sun--the weathering effects of the seasons--had forced these shapes. The most luscious growth came from these rugged old vines...grapes so heavy and bountiful they seemed to invite people to pick them.

In another vineyard were young plants which had suffered no ill effects of nature at all. They offered no particular beauty or character and were hardly worth of my pencil or paintbrush.

As it is in nature, so it is in God's kingdom. From the winds and rains of adversity comes abundant growth and a beautiful life worth painting. Do not be afraid to suffer...It is from being shaken apart and not being destroyed that one becomes strong and courageous."

How sad it would be to live my life and have "no beauty or character and have it said there is nothing worthy of pencil or brush." I pray that does not happen.

Thank you for your continued prayers, and continue to remember my friend James Cole's family.

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