Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Addendum to blog

I neglected to say in this blog, how much I appreciate each of you who have served in one of these capacities in my life. You all have contributed to the person I have become. Thank you for your patience, wisdom, love, encouragement and prayers, not just in my hour of trial, but in every area of my life. I thank God for you!!!

1 comment:

Linda K. Martin said...

Oh, dear sweet Annalie, you are the one to thank for being so many things to me. I remember you first of all as a counselor at O'Neal Hall (our dorm at what is now UNA); then as a great friend; daughter of my first school secretary; childhood friend of my husband; confidant that I could share my deepest hurts with;an example of strength,faith, and grace during this challenge in your life; and most of all my Christian sister that I love so much. You are such a blessing to me and my family. I will continue to pray for you and for Gordon. We may not talk or visit as we should, but we are "forever friends".
Love ya,