Thursday, October 7, 2010

Who pushes your swing?

In Max Lucado’s devotional Bible He comments on Psalm 89:

“David’s reign was successful because God sustained him.” I have shared I previous blogs what a struggle I have had with anxiety. What is anxiety? The root of it is worry about things that are beyond our control. My Mom used to say, “Worry is a waste of time. If you can do something about the situation, DO IT, and quit worrying. If you can do nothing about it you are wasting your time by worrying.” I have pretty much lived my whole life by that. But since discovering this tumor, I have been consumed with worry. I will say some days are better now, and I believe I am beginning to trust God, realizing He is the ONLY ONE who can sustain me and give me peace about the daily things I am anxious about.

Max Lucado continues his comments: “Children love to swing. There’s nothing like it. Thrusting your feet toward the sky, leaning so far backward that everything looks upside down. Spinning trees, a stomach that jumps into your throat. Ah, swinging…

I learned a lot about trust on a swing. As a child, I only trusted certain people to push my swing. If I was being pushed by people I trusted (like Mom or Dad), they could do anything they wanted. They could twist me, turn me, stop me…But let a stranger push my swing (which often happened at family reunions and Fourth of July picnics), and it was hang on baby! Who knew what this newcomer would do: When a stranger pushes your swing, you tense up, ball up, and hang on…

We live in a stormy world. At this writing, wars rage in both hemispheres of our globe. World conflict is threatening all humanity.

Jobs are getting scarce. Money continues to get tight. Families are coming apart at the seams…

We must remember who is pushing the swing. We must put our trust in Him. We can’t grow fearful. He won’t let us tumble out. (from On the anvil by Max Lucado).”

We have a couple of children’s swings on our front porch. Most mornings that the temperature is tolerable, Gordon and I drink coffee on our porch. If the grandchildren are here they enjoy swinging on those swings. The older children have learned to “pump” themselves, but Sarah Grace still needs a little boost. When she first started swinging, she didn’t quite trust us and wanted us to “swing her easy.” Now her sense of trust is obvious when she says, “Nannie, swing me REALLY BIG!”

I not sure I’m ready to swing really big, but I do recognize that God is in control of my situation. I will have to admit that I believe there are times He has swung me “really big,” but I choose to continue to trust Him because I know He will sustain me.

Ps. 90:1-2 says: “Lord, you have been our home since the beginning. Before the mountains were born and before you created the earth and the world. You are God. You have always been, and you will always be.” I’ll trust Him with my swing.

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