Friday, February 17, 2012

Before I relate my latest report, I'd like to ask you all to pray for Elesha. She is having some complications with her pregnancy. She is RH- and her blood has come into contact with the baby's positive blood. Now her body is creating antibodies to fight against the baby which it considers an infection. There are a multitude of problems this can cause for the baby but it will not affect Elesha's health. Just her ability to have more children. The condition is irreversible and would negatively affect any future babies. She is seeing a perinatologist at UAB for Doppler ultrasounds to check the baby's heart and blood flow. They are planning on delivering her somewhere between 36-38 weeks. She is 33 weeks right now. Please lift them up in prayer as we trust God to work this out for their good and His glory!! That is easy to say when you are not the one in the fire!

I met with my chemo Dr. last week. He is very pleased with my health at this time. Dr. Dang and Dr. Estopinol both used the term "very stable" to describe my welfare at this point. They are putting my chemo treatment on hold for awhile (not sure how long) but will continue to monitor me with MRI. I am thankful to be off this medication for awhile. The only drawback is that if the tumor starts to grow again, I will have to take the big stuff next time. I trust God that there will be no next time!!

Please continue to pray for Gordon. He is still having way too much pain and taking way too much medication. His Mom is in rehab after her surgery. Hope to have her back in her room before long. They won't really say exactly when. She has been mostly cooperative, but has difficulty understanding why she can't just "go home."

I am keeping Todd's and Brandy's new baby, Hannah. She has been really good so far. Of course she is as pretty as the rest of our grandchildren.(:-)

I praise God for His watch care and protection, for His faithfulness to Me and for giving me strength to face each day. So far, He has given me exactly what I needed, when I needed it. Based on my past experience, I see no reason to distrust Him now. I am depending on that for Elesha as well.

I think there are so many things we take for granted; that we don't stop to think they are real blessings from God. We are so quick to apply clichés to God and Christ, and to our relationship to Him. I believe it is difficult to grasp that deity became humanity. Max Lucado (In the Grip of Grace) writes "Stepping from the throne, He removed His robe of light and wrapped Himself in skin: Pigmented human skin. The Light of the Universe entered a dark, wet womb. He who angels worship nestled himself in the placenta of a peasant, was birthed into the cold night and then slept on cow's hay." What a Savior, who would humble Himself in such a fashion so that He could understand and meet our needs! And this is just the birthing process. When we think about the suffering He endured, the rejection He experienced, the humiliation He felt, how can we not prostrate ourselves in gratefulness for the sacrifices He made? How can we not love Him who first loved us?

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