Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hard Places

Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis
“Hard places seem unbearable. It is dark and scary, even though I know God said He will never leave or forsake me, sometimes it’s so dark that I just can’t see Him.  But the most incredible thing happens:  God takes me by the hand and walks me straight out of the hard place and into the beauty on the other side. He whispers to me to be thankful, that even this will be for His glory and good…Always on the other side is something beautiful, because He has used the hard place to increase my sense of urgency and to align my desires with His…The hard places are good because it is there that I gained more wisdom, and though with wisdom comes sorrow, on the other side of sorrow, joy.”  I am waiting for the joy!

I know that I am not the only one in a hard place. I see people all around me suffering financially, physically, emotionally, but most of all spiritually.  It is hard to convince people whose lives are upside down that, if they put their faith and trust in God, things would be different.  It isn’t a rational idea.  It isn’t something that can be easily explained. The Biblical definition of faith is “the substance of things hoped for, but the evidence of things not seen.”  This statement seems to be contradictory.  How can something hoped for be substant?  And how can something evident not be seen?  Faith is something we cannot put our finger on, but it is something we can believe in.  We cannot see it with our eyes, but we can see the results of faith with our eyes.  I do have faith in a God who is big enough to take care of the universe and all of us in it, but I have greater faith that God is in control of my life. He knows what lies ahead, and I trust Him with the outcome.  Really, what can I do to change my circumstances.  I trust Him to lead me in the right path.

Gordon went to the doctor today.  They are going to do surgery on his neck again on Mon.  He will be in the hospital at least two days.  Please pray for a speedy and complete recovery.  PLEASE pray for me TOO!

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